By: Dave Ebert
Read my original blog on Lauren Daigle's appearance on Ellen at LaurenDaigleBlog.HaHaMen.org
Recently Wretched radio blasted Lauren Daigle for going on Ellen, for the lyrics to the song "Still Rolling Stones." This program is one of many Christian outlets, in addition to many "fans" of Lauren Daigle, that have denounced her appearance on Ellen's talk show.
Some have criticized her appearance, because bare arms are apparently too much skin. Others have blasted the lack of overt Gospel and the fact that Jesus Christ is not mentioned by name in the song she sung. Others have critiqued the album as generally being less-than-doctrinally-sound.
Lauren was the first CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) artist to appear on Ellen.
“I don’t have all the answers in life and I’m definitely not gonna act like I do, but the one thing that I know for sure is I can’t choose who I’m supposed to be kind to and who I’m supposed to show love to and who I’m not, because that’s the mission right?” she continued. “Be who Christ was to everyone.”
So, I bought "Look Up Child," have listened to all 13 tracks at least 4 times each as the album repeats. Let me tell you what I heard.
A celebration of Salvation through One Savior, Jesus Christ. The love and active work of an amazing Father in Heaven, that still pursues us, even those who reject His messengers.
Though not EVERY bridge, chorus, or track proclaims Jesus Christ in name, there is no doubt to the listener to Whom these songs refer.
On Ellen, the entire audience received a copy of the CD. Let's estimate there were 150 people there. 150 CDs. Probably some people came together, so there are going to be extras given away. So, let's estimate the numbers.
150 CDs. 75 are actually listened to. 30 people understand and listen to the message of Salvation in the songs. 15 are stirred to pursue more understanding. 5 people feel and receive the call to the Cross of Christ.
Even if only one of those 150 make a decision for Christ, then the appearance accomplished more in 3 minutes than some of us might in a life time of service to the Lord.
Much like the Book of Esther, though God is not mentioned by name, the clarity of the reference is abundant. The presence of God in these songs is clear.
Much like the story of The Pilgrims Progress, though the names are not clearly stated in black and white, the presence, power, and life-giving love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are abundantly evident.
Lauren visited The Wally Show on WAY-FM, and Wally asked about the backlash. Among other things that the 27-year-old singer said, “I think the second we start drawing lines around which people are able to be approached and which aren’t, we’ve already completely missed the heart of God." Click the link above to listen to the interview.
Lauren is going on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon soon...again to share the Light of Christ through music. Can we agree, as believers, to pray that her appearance would be fruitful? That even one of the MiLLIONS of Souls that will see her appearance would be moved to surrender to the life-saving, life-giving power of the Love and Salvation of Jesus Christ? Can we agree to pray for Lauren and her growing reach?